Sunday, June 14, 2009

The switching lanes issue

There is always something about changing lanes.

My small experience here in the Greater Boston Area shows me that changing lanes are quite rare. In this region they only change lanes when extremely necessary and in most of the cases they do the appropriate signaling. And when they do not make the signaling, they try to ensure that they are making a safe move. Maybe this behavior is imposed by the winter times, i.e., the snow and roads slippery condition. And driving here really makes me feel comfortable.

Back in Brazil, mainly in highways you always witness some car sliding all of a sudden from one lane to another, barely avoiding the other cars that surround it. The driver simply decide to put his car in front of yours and push it against your car. This is one of the switching lanes issue that makes me angry: not signaling appropriately and creating hazardous conditions for other people.

Another issue regarding changing lanes occurs when I want to make the move and some 'motoboy' (it is the modern version of the old office boy or delivery boy who now uses a motorcycle as transportation) begins to desperately push the button of his motorcycle buzzer.

Those 'motoboys' are like an horde of barbarians riding between lanes in São Paulo city. Yes, you read it right: I said they ride BETWEEN LANES right on the lane strips, zigzaging between the cars mirrors. They don't respect anything and they always think that they are always right. And if you try to change lanes, no matter how far ahead you are from them, they will begin to buzz just trying to avoid you to change lanes.

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At June 21, 2009 8:44 AM, Blogger Nandão said...

Welcome to Sao Paulo !


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