Thursday, May 17, 2012

The America belongs to Americans...

I don't really understand why Brazilians don't like to call the people from the United States of America as Americans.

Most Brazilians think that American people are snobbish or presumptuous because they call themselves Americans. And most Brazilians also think that the word "Americans" should be used to everybody who is a citizen of a country in the American continent. And Brazilians think that Americans should be called 'estadosunidenses' (or "people from the united states").

The reason because the Americans call themselves that way is because the country is called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It is not " United States of North America". It is not "United States of United States". And it is not only "United States".

They picked up the name before everyone else and that is it. Brazil itself could have picked "United States of America" from 1500 (when Pedro Alvares Cabral arrived in Brazil) to 1776 (the declaration of independence of USA), but it didn't.

Brazilians forget that Brazil was once 'Estados Unidos do Brasil'  (or "United States of Brazil") from 1889 to 1967. Therefore, following the same rational, Brazilians should also be called 'estadosunidenses' in that period, right?

How about Mexico? The official name of Mexico is "United Mexican States". Are they 'estadosunidenses' also? Not Mexicans?!

The ignorance of my countrymen really makes me angry.

The non-acceptance of "American" nomenclature by Brazilians for those who are citizens of the United States of America is only a little thing that makes me angry.


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