Friday, March 05, 2010

Trash in the public transportation

Every business day I take the commuter rail (train) and the T (subway) here in Massachusetts to go to the University and also to go back home.

I do not know if my standards/offsets have changed (mainly because I haven't used São Paulo public transportation system that much), but in any case sometimes there is some trash inside the train or T car and this kind of thing really makes me angry. Plastic bottles, soda cans, Dunkin' Donuts cups and newspapers are the most usual trash that you can find.

I think newspapers (mainly those Metro News stuff) are in the top of the list of trash in the public transportation. But actually I have seen some people taking the newspaper from the seats to read it and then they took it away. However, sometimes the newspapers just pile up in some place and I personally don't have the guts to take them to the trash (uuugh!). Mainly during the winter, when the cars' floors are always wet and the newspapers absorb the water creating a really disgusting mix of wet paper with some dirt.

This is a little fact that makes me angry nowadays.

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